Welcome to Kevin the Editor! This is version… 0.4 of the site at this point in time. You might know me from Polktoday.com, PolkSportsWire.com, or as some folks remember me as either “that video guy” or “the newspaper guy.”

Anyway, thanks for visiting. I’m working on a few things to fix up the site at the moment, and it requires that you have a login to enjoy content. I’ve got multiple options available now – from low cost three day passes to enjoy content at $1.79 to annual passes at $39.99 at year. So consider supporting your local news guy by joining up now and enjoy some opinion, short story, and “behind the scenes of Kevin” content here on the site.

If you have a Kevin the Editor account, you can login here.

In the meantime, excuse our progress. You’ll find some of the latest items below. -KtE

  • The Big 4-0

    I’ve been thinking about what to say about this year’s birthday, and honestly? What am I supposed to say? Middle age is a strange place to be, and I can understand a little more after the past few years how the concept of a midlife crisis comes about. Biologically the body might or might not…

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